






   ●2007年9月-2012年7月中科院水生生物研究所获得理学博士学位指导老师: 倪乐意研究员  


●2013.06-2020.04 beat365官方网站水产学院 讲师 历任教学秘书职务


●2020.04-至今   beat365官方网站水产学院 副教授















(1)     Guorong Zhu, Alexander Ebbing, Tjeerd J. Bouma*, Klaas R. Timmermans*. Morphological and physiological plasticity of Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyceae) in response to different hydrodynamic conditions and nutrient availability. Journal of Applied Phycology. 2021 DOI:10.1007/s10811-021-02428-w

(2)     Guorong Zhu, Changbo Yuan, Guilan Di, Meng Zhang, Leyi Ni*, Te Cao*, Rongting Fang, Gongguo Wu. Morphological and biomechanical response to eutrophication and hydrodynamic stresses. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 622: 421-435.

(3)     Guorong Zhu, Guilan Di, Meng Zhang, Te Cao*, Leyi Ni*, Rongting Fang, Gongliang Yu. Biomechanical response of a submerged, rosette-forming macrophyte to wave action in a eutrophic lake on the Yungui Plateau, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(34), 34027-34045.

(4)     Guorong Zhu, Meng Zhang, Te Cao* and Leyi Ni*. Associations between the morphology and biomechanical properties of submerged macrophytes implications for its survival and distribution in Lake Erhai. Environmental earth sciences, 2015, 74(5): 3907-3916.

(5)     Guorong Zhu, Meng Zhang, Te Cao*, Leyi Ni*and Xiaolin Zhang, 2014. Fertile sediment and ammonium enrichment decrease growth and biomechanical strength of submersed macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum in an experiment. Hydrobiologia, 727:109-120.

(6)     Guorong Zhu, Wei Li, Meng Zhang, Leyi Ni* and Shengrui Wang. Adaptation of submerged macrophytes to both water depth and flood intensity as revealed by their mechanical resistance. Hydrobiologia, 2012, 696 (1): 77-93.

(7)     Guorong Zhu, Meng Zhang, Te Cao, Leyi Ni, Aiwen Zhong and Hui Fu. Effects of sediment type on stem mechanical properties of the submerged macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012, 21 (2): 468-474.

(8)     Yang Gao, Guorong Zhu*, Yuan Tian, Kang Li, Yanjing Zhao, Junping Liang, Qianhong Gu and Xuejun Li. Blood biochemistry profile of Qihe crucian carp Carassius auratus in different aquaponic systems. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-10214-3.

(9)     Guilan Di, Guorong Zhu, Yanfei Li, Caihuan Ke and Zhaoxia Zhang*. Improved Sampling of Hemolymph and Screening of Anti-Coagulants of Hemocytes in the Snail Babylonia areolata. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, 2018,1473: 1-7.

(10)  Guilan Di, Yanfei Li, Guorong Zhu, Xiaoyu Guo, Hui Li, Miaoqin Huang, Minghui Shen, Caihuan Ke*. Effects of acidification on the proteome during early development of Babylonia areolata. FEBS Open Bio. 2019, 9: 1503-1520. (SCIE)

(11)  Guilan Di, Xianghui Kong, Guorong Zhu, Shengli Liu, Chao Zhang and Caihuan Ke*. Pathology and physiology of Haliotis diversicolor with withering syndrome. Aquaculture, 2016, 453: 1-9.

(12)  Aiping Wu, Yaxuan Zhao, Liangyu Qi, Guorong Zhu, Falin Chen, Yunshan Liang, Te Cao and Wen Zhong. Faster response to water level increase facilitates Salix cavaleriei survival in Lake Erhai. Journal of freshwater ecology, 2019, 34(1): 469-480

(13)  Wei Li, Te Cao, Leyi Ni, Guorong Zhu, Xiaolin Zhang, Hui Fu, Xin Song and Ping Xie. Size-dependent C, N and P stoichiometry of three submersed macrophytes along water depth gradients. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 74(5): 3733-3738.

(14)  Wei Li, Te Cao, Leyi Ni, Xiaolin Zhang, Guorong Zhu and Ping Xie. Effects of water depth on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of five submersed macrophytes in an in situ experiment. Ecological Engineering, 2013, 61: 358-  365.

(15)  Meng Zhang, Leyi Ni, Ping Xie, Te Cao, Guorong Zhu, Aiwen Zhong, Hui Fu. Light-dependent phosphate uptake of a submersed macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum L. Aquatic Botany. 2011, 94 (4): 151-157.

(16)  Hui Fu, Guixiang Yuan, Te Cao, Leyi Ni, Wei Li, Guorong Zhu. Relationships between relative growth rate and its components across 11 submersed macrophytes. Journal of freshwater ecology, 2012, 27(4).

(17)  祝国荣,张萌,王芳侠,高阳,曹特*,倪乐意*. 从生物力学角度诠释富营养化引发的水生植物衰退机理. 湖泊科学, 2017, 29(5): 1029-1042.

(18)  祝国荣, 倪乐意, 方涛, 过龙根, 张萌. 巢湖东湖区入湖河流的水生植被群落结构和区系特征及其与环境因子的关系. 应用与环境生物学报, 2012, 18(6): 889-896.

(19)  王芳侠, 祝国荣*, 刘晓峰, 杨胜飞, 张萌, 崔长海, 吴爱平. 淇河河南段的水生植物区系及沉水植物群落特征. 应用与环境生物学报, 2020, 26(04): 1-23.

(20)  田源, 吴耀, 祝国荣*, 赵高志, 林茜, 姚德政, 彭俊杰. 淡水养殖中水生植物对水产鱼类的作用研究进展. 水产科学, 已接受

(21)  张金美, 张萌*, 匡武名, 祝国荣, 王玉玉, 卢龙, 徐军. 水华条件下鄱阳湖区水生植物叶片碳氮同位素特性研究. 环境科学研究, 2016, 29(5): 101-108.

(22)  张萌, 祝国荣, 周慜, 李惠民, 陆友伟, 刘足根*. 仙女湖富营养化特征与水环境容量核算.长江流域资源与环境. 2015, 24(8): 1395-1404.

(23)  宋鑫, 曹特*, 祝国荣, 李威, 张霄林,倪乐意*. 微齿眼子菜与马来眼子菜对水深变化的适应性比较研究. 长江流域资源与环境, 2014,23(08): 1081-1089.

(24)  张萌, 刘足根*, 李雄清, 祝国荣, 徐军, 李中强. 长江中下游浅水湖泊水生植被生态恢复种的筛选与应用研究. 生态科学, 2014, 33(2): 344−352.

(25)  张萌, 倪乐意*, 曹特*, 方涛, 熊道文, 周广杰, 祝国荣, 徐军, 过龙根. 太湖上游水环境对植物分布格局的影响机制.环境科学与技术, 2010, 33 (3): 171-178.

(26)  李燕, 常孟阳, 董静, 付天玺, 陈思伟, 顾钱洪, 高云霓, 祝国荣, 朱国超, 周传江. 河南中牟县典型养殖池塘浮游藻类调查. 河南水产, 2017, 000(003): 21-23.


(1)     祝国荣, 张萌, 曹特, 倪乐意. 实用新型专利: 一种微机控制的沉水植物材料力学自动测定装置(专利号:ZL201120565946.4)

(2)     祝国荣, 张萌, 曹特, 倪乐意. 发明专利: 微机控制的沉水植物材料力学自动测定装置及其方法(专利号:ZL201110453507.9)

(3)     祝国荣,冯浩,刘晓峰,常仁洁,印梦娟,伏伟涵,高阳. 发明专利:鱼菜共生型生态浮床及其饲养方法(申请号:201710052387.9)

(4)     祝国荣,冯浩,狄桂兰,高阳,伏伟涵,印梦娟,常仁洁. 发明专利:鱼草共生型生态浮床及其饲养方法(申请号:201710052386.4)

(5)     冯浩,祝国荣*,高阳,伏伟涵,印梦娟,常仁洁,陈宏霖. 实用新型专利: 一种鱼草共生型浮床(专利号:ZL201720090240.4)

(6)    冯浩,祝国荣*,刘晓峰,印梦娟,伏伟涵,高阳,常仁洁. 实用新型专利: 一种鱼菜共生型浮床(专利号:ZL201720104032.5)



(1)     硕士生导师:先后指导研究生3人,已有2人毕业。

(2)     本科生导师:指导大学生创新项目国家级2项,学院资助多项。
