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[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金-建筑保温材料处置过程中微塑料和HBCDs的释放及人体暴露研究(42407350) 2025.1-2027.12 主持。

[2] 河南省青年科学基金-空气质量影响下有机磷阻燃剂在皮肤表面的积累规律及来源解析研究(2323004214002023.1-2025.6主持。

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(42077318-环境条件下塑料污染中添加剂类化学品的析出和释放及环境风险研究,2021.1-2024-12参与。

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41877365-华南典型流域新型双酚类污染物的环境归宿与生物富集和生物传递研究,2019.1-2022.12参与。


[1] Zhao YH, Fan YJ, Li J, et al., 2024. Assessment of human exposure to traditional and novel organophosphate esters via multiple personal matrices, Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58(7): 3332-334.

[2] Fan YJ, Chen QY, Wang Z, et al., 2022. Identifying dermal exposure as the dominant pathway of children's exposure to flame retardants in kindergartens. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 808.

[3] Fan YJ, Zheng K, Zhu ZW, Chen GS, et al. Distribution, sedimentary record, and persistence of microplastics in the Pearl River catchment, China. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 251: 862-870.

[4] Peng XZ, Fan YJ, Jin JB, et al. Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of ultraviolet absorbents in marine wildlife of the Pearl River Estuarine, South China Sea. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 225:55-65.

[5] Peng XZ, Chen GS, Fan YJ, et al. Lifetime bioaccumulation, gender differences, tissue distribution, and parental transfer of organophosphorus plastic additives in freshwater fish. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 280:116948.

[6] Zheng K, Fan Y, Zhu Z, et al. Occurrence and Species-Specific Distribution of Plastic Debris in Wild Freshwater Fish from the Pearl River Catchment, China. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: 2019, 38(7): 1504-1513.

[7] Cao ZG, Xu XP, Zhao YH, Du RJ, Fan YJ, et al. Gas-particle partition and sizesegregated distribution of flame retardants in indoor and outdoor air: Reevaluation on the role of fine particles in human exposure. Chemosphere, 2022, 292: 133414.

[8] Tang CM, Tan JH, Zhang PL, Fan YJ, et al. Energy-dependent normal and unusually large inverse chlorine kinetic isotope effects of simple chlorohydrocarbons in collision-induced dissociation by gas chromatography-electron ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2020, 55: e45221.

[9] Tang CM, Tan JH, Fan YJ, et al. Observation of inconsistent carbon isotope compositions of chlorine-isotopologue pairs of individual organochlorines on gas chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 14, 2100-2114.

[10] 张静,凡玉娟,赵佳欣等.额头皮脂-角质层中有机磷阻燃剂的垂直分布规律及健康风险评估. 环境科学学报, 2022, 42(12): 432-440.
